
There are many ways you can troubleshoot any errors that may occur.

FME Server Troubleshooting Guide

This article on the knowledge center contains all of the FME Server related troubleshooting guides which should help diagnose and resolve most issues encountered with FME Server.

Troubleshooting Guide

FME Server REST API Error Codes

The FME REST Service returns an HTTP status code for every request. For most GET requests, a response message is returned in your requested format, along with the status code. For most PUT and DELETE requests, only the status code is returned to indicate whether the operation is successful or not. Refer to the specifications reference for more details. All of these codes can be found on the REST API documentation page.

Response Code Description
200 OK Success; the results are rendered in the response body.
201 Created Success; the resource has been created.
202 Accepted Success; the operation has been started.
204 No Content Success; the response body contains no contents.
207 Multi-Status Success; the response body contains the status of each sub-request.
400 Bad Request The request was improperly formatted. Typically, this means that your JSON or XML is not well-formed. It may also mean that the URI is invalid; most path components can only contain alphanumeric characters.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect.
403 Forbidden The request is understood, but it was refused. An accompanying error message explains why.
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid, or the requested resource does not exist.
409 Conflict You attempted to create a new resource that already exists, or made changes or created a resource that depends on another resource that does not exist.
415 Unacceptable Media Type The content-type is not allowed. Typically, only "application/xml", "application/json", or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is permitted.
422 Unprocessable Entity The request was well-formed, but cannot be performed due to semantic errors.
503 Server Unavailable Part or all of FME Server was temporarily unreachable.

Developer Tools

Most browsers have developer tools that anyone can use. Here is a link on how to debug JavaScript in Chrome, Debugging Tutorial. However, most browsers should have this capability.

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