Backup Configuration Files

Before proceeding with the primary task of backing up your FME Server configuration, we recommend manually backing up the FME Server Configuration Files to a location outside of your FME Server installation directory, in case you need to refer to them later. These files contain configurations for the FME Server Database, HTTPS, and miscellaneous settings for the Transformation and Repository Managers. These configurations are not included in the primary backup procedure. To restore any changes that were made in these files, you must be able to refer to them when the upgrade is complete, so that you can make the corresponding changes in the replacement file.

IMPORTANT: When restoring FME Server configuration files, do not replace or overwrite the files in the new installation. The structure of the configuration files may change between releases, so it is best practice to go through the old configuration file and the new configuration file together and update configurations in the new file as you come across them. The configuration files support line commenting for tracking specific changes.

Configuration Files

  • <FMEServerDir>\Server\processMonitorConfigCore.txt - For starting and configuring FME Server Core processes.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Server\processMonitorConfigEngines.txt - Sets the initial default FME Engines to start, manages engine upgrades, and port numbers for Engine Management requests.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Server\fmeServerConfig.txt - Configures the FME Server transformation, manager, repositories, shared resources, scheduler, notifications, logs, failover clustering, and others.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Server\fmeCommonConfig.txt - Configures the FME Server security and the database used by FME Server.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Server\fmeWebSocketConfig.txt - Configures the FME Server WebSocket server.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Server\fmeEngineConfig.txt - Configures the FME Engines, including subsections, pre and post commands, and success and failure responses.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Server\config\<subscribers_or_publishers>\ - Configures the FME Server WebSocket server.
  • <WebAppDir>\<fmeServiceName>\WEB-INF\conf\ - Configures properties for FME Server Web Services. Use this file to set the host for the service and various settings.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\pgsql\data\pg_hba.conf - Opens the database connections for express install.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf\server.xml - Configures web application server port, and connector protocols.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf\web.xml - Configures international encodings.
  • <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf\context.xml - Configures FME Server web application.

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