Initial Troubleshooting


After performing each of the following solutions, you can verify if the issue has been corrected by running through a quick verification process for either Windows or Linux.

Restart FME Server

Restart FME Server and make sure all the Windows services are running. If any services fail to start, then reboot the operating system and try to restart the services again.

Look for Orphan Processes

An orphan process is a computer process whose parent process has finished or terminated, though it remains running itself. In this case we are looking for unintentionally orphaned processes, such as when the parent process terminates or crashes. To find these, stop all services listed in the documentation (FME Server System Services), and proceed as follows:


  • Open the Task Manager and look for any orphaned processes starting with FME (often found under the Details tab). If any are found, end those processes and start the services again.


  • Run the following command to list processes:

      \# ps -A

Look for the processes as described in the linked documentation article above. For reference, these may include:

  • fme – one for each running FME Engine
  • FMEServer - FME Server Core
  • FMEScheduler - FME Server scheduler - requires the core to be running
  • FMENotifier - FME Server notifier - requires the core to be running
  • FMESubscriber - FME Server subscriber - requires the core to be running
  • FMERelayer - FME Server Relay Manager
  • FMESMTPRelay - FME Server Email receiver
  • FMEWebSocket - FME Server WebSocket Server
  • FMECleanup - FME Server Cleanup service
  • tomcat7 – FME Server Web Application Server
  • postgres – FME Server Database Server

For example, you might see listed: 53521 pts/3 00:00:03 fme
To stop this process, run the following:

 # kill 53521

Restart the System
Restart the operating system. Perform the verification linked above and see if the problem still exists.

Revert any Recent Changes

Check if there have been any recent changes on the machine. Has a software update been applied or new hardware added? Configuration files edited? If so, try reverting the system to the state prior to the update and see if that resolves the issue.

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