Feature Type Fanout

A Feature Type Fanout delivers data to multiple feature types (layers) within a single dataset. Taking the elevation example, here the output is a different feature type for each elevation value:

This results in a DXF dataset containing multiple layers of data.

Setting a Feature Type Fanout

A feature type fanout is defined in the Feature Type Properties dialog by selecting an attribute like so:

The Feature Type Name then changes to match what has been selected:

In this case, each feature with a different park name will be written to a different layer of the GML output dataset.

Additionally, the Text Editor can be used to construct a fanout string:

The result of this translation - as shown in the FME Data Inspector - is a series of layers, each with the park ID and name included:

Two things to notice in that result are:

  • Parks 1 and 4 did not have a ParkName attribute (or it was empty) and so the layer name reflects that
  • The : (colon) and - (dash) characters in the fanout string were rendered as _ (underscore) characters instead. Presumably this is a limitation of the GML output format.

Sister Intuitive says…
FME2016 (in fact, FME2015.1) introduced the above technique as an easier way for setting a feature type fanout, losing the "fanout" label at the same time. But, regardless of the label, it's still the same fanout as in previous versions.

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