Troubleshooting for Administrators

This section shows a few basic troubleshooting techniques in case of emergency

Workspaces Fail when Run

If a workspace fails when it is being run, then the following suggestions may help

  • Commonly data paths cause problems when moving from a local Desktop machine to a Server environment. Check the dataset parameters (Reader and Writer) to ensure they are not referring to a local path that does not exist on the Server. You may need to change the parameter to use the Resources dialog (Browse) and not a file path dialog (Specify Location).

  • If you are trying to read data with a UNC path, ensure that the FME Server Windows Service is being run by a user with the proper domain access permissions.

  • If you are using an FMEServerJobSubmitter transformer, be sure to check the server name when porting from a test environment to a live environment - or use FME System Parameters to avoid the problem

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