FME Desktop

This module is about FME Desktop. FME Desktop is for data translations and transformations at the desktop level (as opposed to FME Server, which is an enterprise-level, web-based product).

FME Desktop consists of a number of different tools and applications. The two key applications are FME Workbench and the FME Data Inspector.

FME Workbench

FME Workbench is the primary tool for defining data translations and data transformations. It has an intuitive point-and-click graphic interface to enable translations to be graphically described as a flow of data.

Workbench is not a standalone tool. It is fully integrated to interact with other FME Desktop applications such as the FME Data Inspector.

FME Data Inspector

The FME Data Inspector is a tool for viewing data in any of the FME supported formats. It is used primarily for previewing data before translation or reviewing it after translation.

Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC-BY-3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC-BY-SA.

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