Changing Database Provider for FME Server Database

FME Server comes equipped with a PostgreSQL Database completely configured and ready for use. However, you may want to leverage a system that is already established or is restricted by your company policies.

If you want to change the database provider for your FME Server database, and you have already installed FME Server - for example, an "Express" installation - you can do this by performing an "in-place" backup and restore procedure:

  1. Backup your FME Server configuration.
  2. Configure the new database server.
  3. Update the database connection settings in an FME Server configuration file.
  4. Restart FME Server.
  5. Restore your FME Server configuration.
  6. Remove dependency, disable, and stop the previous database service.

FME Server supports PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle databases.

Mr. Flibble says...
Even if you plan on changing the FME Server database provider, it is recommended to install with the default PostgreSQL database - this allows you to verify if the FME Server installation is successful.

Any time the database provider was changed in FME Server 2017 and older it was necessary to run the post-installation scripts. New in FME Server 2018.1 this step will not be required. In FME Server 2018.0 only one post-installation step is required as will be seen in Exercise 2.

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