
A bookmark, like its real-world namesake, is a means of putting a marker down for easy access.

With FME the bookmark covers an area of the workspace that is usually carrying out a specific task, so a user can pick it out of a broader set of transformers and move to it with relative ease.

Why use Bookmarks?

Bookmarks play an important role in a well-styled workspace for a number of reasons, including these.

  • Design: As a way to subdivide a workspace and manage those sections
  • Access: As a marker for quick access to a specific section of a workspace
  • Editing: As a means to move groups of transformers at a time
  • Performance: As a means to improve workspace performance when caching data

Adding a Bookmark

To add a bookmark, click the Bookmark icon on the toolbar.

Whereas a traditional bookmark marks just a single page in a book, the FME bookmark can cover a wide area of the canvas. A single workspace can be divided into different sections by applying multiple bookmarks.

If any objects on the workspace canvas are selected when a bookmark is created, the bookmark is automatically expanded to include those items.

Resizing and Editing a Bookmark

To resize a bookmark hover over a corner or edge and then drag the cursor to change the bookmark size or shape.

Bookmark Properties

Click the cogwheel icon on a bookmark header to open the bookmark properties dialog:

Here you can change both the name and color of the bookmark and decide about whether contents will move with it (more on that later).

The context (right-click) menu for a bookmark reveals options to select all objects within the bookmark, or to disable all of those objects, making it useful for testing purposes:

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