Feature Debugging

Feature Debugging is a tool that allows individual features to be inspected during a translation. It differs from inspecting data at a particular location in that it inspects features one at a time, and allows the author to trace that feature's progress through a workspace.

This is most useful when a problem has been identified as being during transformation, but the point of failure is unknown.

Feature Debugging is triggered by "breakpoints"; workspace connections that are flagged by the user as a location where features should be inspected:

The connection is highlighted in a darker black color with a red "stop" sign, to denote its new status:

Now the workspace is run with the “Run with Breakpoints” option turned on:

When the first feature arrives at the breakpoint, the translation is temporarily paused and information about the feature displayed in a Feature Inspector window.

The upper part of the window shows a graphic representation of the feature; the lower part lists properties such as Feature Type and Coordinate System; plus attribute and geometry information.

There are four buttons at the foot of the Feature Inspector window:

Button Operation Description
Step to Next Connection This tool steps through the workspace one transformer at a time, showing the status of a feature as it is processed.
Step to Next Breakpoint This tool re-starts the translation, stopping the next time a feature reaches an inspection point.
Continue Translation This tool re-starts the translation, ignoring all further breakpoints.
Stop Translation This tool stops the translation.

The currently active connection is highlighted red to show it is the location where the translation is currently paused.

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