Troubleshooting for Administrators

This section shows a few basic troubleshooting techniques in case of emergency.

Data Download: No Output

If no zip file is output at the end of a Data Download process then the following suggestions may be of help.

  • Run the workspace on FME Desktop to confirm that it does actually write some data. If there is no output data then no zip file will be delivered.
  • Check that the FME Server has access to the source data. If the source data is not available to FME Server then there will be no output.
  • On FME Server check the log file using Jobs > Completed to confirm that the process did actually try to write some data. If not an error message may help to indicate why.

Data Download: Empty Output

If an empty zip file is output at the end of a Data Download process then the following may be of help.

  • Ensure that when you publish the workspace to FME Server you check the Data Download parameters and choose an output dataset to be associated with the Service. If you don’t, then FME has no way to determine which Writer will provide the output.

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