
A Publication is an FME Server component that receives incoming notifications from a client.

To receive a notification in FME Server, a workspace author (or administrator) must create a new Publication. A Publication is created in the FME Server web interface on the Notifications page:


A Subscription is an FME Server component that sends outgoing notifications to a client.

To send a notification in FME Server, a workspace author (or administrator) must create a new Subscription. A Subscription is created in the FME Server web interface on the Notifications page:

FME automatically creates some Subscriptions on installation, e.g. to alert clients to the success or failure of jobs that have been run.

Although the actions may seem odd in regard to the name – Publications receive messages, Subscriptions send them – it is correct. They are named in relation to how they interact with Topics.
So, a Publication publishes data to a topic (i.e. it sends data to a topic) and a Subscription subscribes to a topic (i.e. it receives data from the topic).

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