
Here are the answers to the questions in this chapter.

Miss Vector says...
For each of these scenarios, tell me if it is a Data Download project, Data Upload, both, or neither.

1. The user logs on to a web page, draws an area on the map, and is sent a copy of the data within that area: Data Download

2. The user submits a dataset to a web site that scans the data for errors, and returns a corrected copy: Both Data Upload and Data Download

3. The user publishes a workspace that writes data to the user's account in an online PostGIS database: Neither Data Upload or Data Download

4. The user starts a GIS application, clicks File > Add Data to Map, and pastes in a URL from FME Server: Data Download

#1 is a simple download of data. #2 is obviously both. #3 is neither. Publishing a workspace is not Data Upload and writing to a database is not Data Download. #4 would be a special type of Data Download. In FME we call it Data Streaming; the workspace runs and the output is sent directly to the application that requested it.

Miss Vector says...
When a workspace is not registered against any service, how can you run it? Select all that apply.

1. With the FMEServerJobSubmitter transformer
2. With the run dialog in the web interface
3. With the URL specified under Developer Information in the run dialog
4. By setting it to run under a schedule

You cannot run the workspace in the web interface (the run button won't work unless services are available) or with a URL (none will be provided).

Miss Vector says...
When a workspace is registered against the Data Download service (and no other), how can you run it? Select all that apply.

1. With the FMEServerJobSubmitter transformer
2. With the run dialog in the web interface
3. With the URL specified under Developer Information in the run dialog
4. By setting it to run under a schedule

It will actually run under all of these tools. Of course, only the web dialog and the URL return a zip file for download. The others just output the data to the specified workspace location.

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