
Here are the answers to the questions in this chapter.

Miss Vector says...
A Project can be shared only in the following circumstances:

1. You must own the Project. Only the Project owner can share it.
2. You must be a user with permission to manage security. Only such a user can share a Project.
3. You can own the Project OR be a user with permission to manage security (i.e. you can be one or the other).
4. You own the Project AND you are a user with permission to manage security (i.e. you must be both).

If you own the Project then you can share it. But if you have permission to manage security, then you can share any Project.

Miss Vector says...
If you choose to export a Project to a Resources folder (rather than download it) then what additional capability do you gain?

1. The ability to trigger a notification topic on completion of the export.
2. The ability to export the FME license for the server.
3. The ability to remove all components of the project as they are exported.
4. The ability to change ownership of the components to your own user account.

Miss Vector says...
Checking the box to remove the contents of a Project removes all of the project components:

1. True
2. False

A Project can contain users and roles. The remove tool won't remove the user carrying out the removal, nor will it remove any role for which that user is part of. Also it won't remove components you don't have permission to remove.

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