Module Review

This chapter looked at advanced techniques for reading and writing datasets with FME.

What You Should Have Learned from this Module

The following are key points to be learned from this session:


  • Datasets stored on the web can be read either using a simple URL or through an FME Web Connection.
  • A Fanout is a way to divide data into a number of layers or a number of datasets, according to the value of a user-defined attribute.
  • The Generic Reader and Writer allow a workspace to be dynamic in terms of format; it can read any format of data and write any format of data.
  • Schema is composed of Feature Types, Attributes, and Geometry. A Dynamic translation is a universal workspace that can handle any combination of schema.
  • The Schema in a dynamic workspace does not need to come from the source datasets; it can come from another dataset entirely, come from a lookup table, or can be constructed as list attributes inside the workspace.

FME Skills

  • The ability to create a web connection and upload to FME Server
  • The ability to read and write datasets from and to a zip file
  • The ability to read data stored on the web or in a web service
  • The ability to use a Feature Type Fanout and a Dataset Fanout
  • The ability to use the Generic Reader and Writer
  • The ability to create a simple Dynamic workspace
  • The ability to add a Resource Reader
  • The ability to use a Resource Reader or Lookup Table as the schema source in a dynamic translation.

Further Reading

For further reading why not browse articles tagged with Dynamic Schema or Fanout on our blog?

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